
Touch, an essential sense

Touch, an essential sense

Have you ever wondered which is the most important human sense? The most developed, or the one you can't do without? Sight? Hearing? Smell? What a strange question, you may think. For me, it was central during the Covid-19 pandemic, when touch practices were...

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To learn & to train

To learn & to train

Curiosity is and remains a strong characteristic of us humans. The desire to learn and discover is undoubtedly deeply rooted in us, like a joyous, unquenchable thirst. With digital platforms, the possibilities have exploded. From tutorials to online training courses,...

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The origin of the name “Odo”

The origin of the name “Odo”

5 years!Exactly 5 years ago today, we chose the name 'Ôdô'. We wanted to found a dôjô for the transmission of Shiatsu, with very precise values, rooted in Japan and Eastern reflection on the Universe, the human being and health.The Way That it was a Way was clear. Way...

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